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treeconf.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This header file contains all the type and function declarations for the Tree-based Configuration Management Library.

Definition in file treeconf.h.

#include <treeconf/treeconf_err.h>
#include <treeconf/treeconf_version.h>

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Data Structures

struct  _treeconf_ctx_s
 Treeconf context structure. More...
struct  _treeconf_node_s
 Treeconf node structure. More...
struct  _treeconf_str_s
 Treeconf string structure. More...
struct  _treeconf_subst_s
 Treeconf substitution structure. More...


 Begin declaration in C namespace.
#define TC_END_C_DECLS
 End declaration in C namespace.
 Treeconf context magic number.
 Configuration context initializer.
#define tx_verify(ctx)
 Context verification macro.
#define tx_config(ctx)
 Context configuration node pointer.
#define tx_count(ctx)
 Context configuration node count.
#define tc_init(ctx)
 Configuration context dynamic initializer.
 Treeconf node magic number.
#define tn_verify(node)
 Configuration node verification macro.
#define tn_context(node)
 Configuration node context.
#define tn_type(node)
 Configuration node type.
#define tn_next(node)
 Next configuration node.
#define tn_down(node)
 Child configuration node.
#define tn_parent(node)
 Parent configuration node.
#define tn_nodown(node)
 Implicit registration callback function.
#define tn_change(node)
 Value change callback function.
#define tn_value(node)
 Variable value.
#define tn_default(node)
 Variable default value.
#define tn_assoc(node)
 Association data.
#define tn_name(node)
 Node name.
#define tn_isdef(node)
 Node value is default?
#define ts_string(strs, n)
 String pointer.
#define ts_length(strs, n)
 String length.
 Insecure substitution flag.
 Ignore substitution flag.
#define TC_SUBST_INIT(chr, str, flags)
 Substitution static initializer.
#define tu_char(sub)
 Substitution rule character.
#define tu_value(sub)
 Substitution value.
#define tu_flags(sub)
 Substitution flags.
 Prohibit insecure substitutions.
#define TC_PATH_ALL
 Search all files in the path.


typedef _treeconf_ctx_s treeconf_ctx_t
 Configuration context.
typedef _treeconf_node_s treeconf_node_t
 Configuration node.
typedef _treeconf_str_s treeconf_str_t
 Configuration strings.
typedef _treeconf_subst_s treeconf_subst_t
 Path substitutions.
typedef int(* treeconf_nodown_t )(treeconf_ctx_t *ctx, treeconf_node_t *parent, treeconf_str_t *name, int elements)
 Unregistered variable callback.
typedef void(* treeconf_change_t )(treeconf_ctx_t *ctx, treeconf_node_t *node)
 Variable change callback.
typedef unsigned int(* treeconf_file_t )(const char *file, void *data)
 Path callback.


 Node type. More...


unsigned int tc_break (treeconf_str_t **str_p, int *cnt_p, const char *name, const char *delims)
 Break a string into an array of components.
unsigned int tc_path (const char *path, const char *def, treeconf_subst_t substs[], int s_cnt, unsigned int flags, treeconf_file_t call, void *call_data)
 Search a path-like string for readable files.
unsigned int tc_destroy (treeconf_ctx_t *ctx)
 Destroy a context.
unsigned int tc_register (treeconf_ctx_t *ctx, const char *name, const char *def, treeconf_node_t *parent, treeconf_nodown_t nodown, treeconf_change_t change, void *assoc)
 Register a configuration variable.
unsigned int tc_set (treeconf_ctx_t *ctx, const char *name, const char *value, treeconf_node_t *parent)
 Set a variable to a given value.
unsigned int tc_get (treeconf_ctx_t *ctx, const char *name, const char **value, treeconf_node_t *parent)
 Get the value of a variable.
unsigned int tc_find (treeconf_ctx_t *ctx, const char *name, treeconf_node_t **node, treeconf_node_t *parent)
 Obtain a pointer to a given node.
unsigned int tc_load (const char *file, void *ctx)
 Load a configuration file.

Define Documentation


For internal use only.

This macro is defined to extern "C" { when compiling with a C++ compiler. See TC_END_C_DECLS.

Definition at line 62 of file treeconf.h.

#define TC_END_C_DECLS

For internal use only.

This macro is defined to } when compiling with a C++ compiler. See TC_BEGIN_C_DECLS.

Definition at line 63 of file treeconf.h.

Generated on Wed Jun 8 09:18:36 2005 for treeconf by  doxygen